Welcome to the FanFiction page of
The literary genre denotes writings taking place in worlds already created by other artists or in the life of real persons. These are indepentant stories, which have been created without purposeful contribution on the part of the original source.
They are almost solely reinterpretations of the original source, which is why; especially when dealing with real persons/places/occurances; it must be assumed that a majority of the events in FanFictions underlie the responsibility of their respective authors and - long story cut short, may be challenged(well, most of them), but should not be taken at face value.
Today's term derives from the words "Fan"(not the ventilation thingy) - a devoted supporter - and "Fiction" - namely, an invented story, if though the genre may have existed long before genres were defined at all.
It should also be mentioned that FanFiction authors do not intend casting shadows onto the sources of their stories or even copying them, yet only mean to express their own ideas in connection with those worlds. Anyone who acts otherwise(to say, striving for profit), will be frowned upon by the upright FanFiction writers and declared a thief, and in sense of common decency, might even find themselves persecuted mercilessly..
We are a guild of passionate fans, with though a tedency towards some writing mania. So - not all too bad or peculiar.
About Ilionej? Or about the author? Well, in ways this is one and the same person - and not.
My name is Sandra Friederike Hammer, I am from the beautiful city Graz in the country Austria and prefer to put endless amounts of time into all sorts of art that can catch my motivation.
Regarding Ilionej, she is my fosterling. My first. The protagonist of my novel series and constant motivation boost in the background. I identify with her the most, but also the least. There is no need to understand that. I am fully satisfied with you accepting this fact as given. Because, once you start, it won't ever end.
Now I am travelling far and wide under the guise of her name. Everything regarding me leads to Ilionej, and Ilionej unavoidably leads to myself.
Please look up more on the matter here.
Well, a heroic epic isn't a short story either. Of course I am well aware that FanFictions are under the notorious obloquy: grammatically abysmal 1000-word-rags that call themselves chapters and have blinking buttons attached to every corner, with the request for feedback, which are actually there to type out one's frustration upon the unsubstantial orgy, yet are mostly ignored - or replaced by artificial rhapsody.
Yes, we all are but FanGirls/Boys. There is no deceit behind it at all. Only hones madness. And with some, this degenerates into linguistically prim(purposely violated at need) novels, where even just the word count of their 80 chapters causes modern greats like Tolkien, Rowling or Grisham to shrink into their tea cups(yes, first one may still be drinking his on the other side).
And seeing as we are already at referring back to the first column, FanFiction is a genre within literature that, on its behalf, is of course also split into all genres of literature and uses all stylistic devices. In this case it would be wise to see FanFiction(at level with FanArt - its visual form) as a complete art form, although we all still stubbornly insist that FanFiction is called a genre. However - aren't genre and art form the same?
P.S.: If this is too high for you, you should avoid my websites - or learn from them..